Dr. Nitin Telang
Professor Palindrome Liaisons Consultants
United States
Dr. TELANG is the Director of Cancer Prevention Research Program at Palindrome Liaisons Consultants. He earned his Ph.D. degree in India (1974), and obtained post-doctoral training at University of Nebraska, American Health Foundation, New York and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York (1976-1985). He has served on the faculty of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Weill-Cornell Medical College, and Strang Cancer Prevention Center, New York (1986-2007). Dr. TELANG has published peer-reviewed papers in the areas of carcinogenesis, cancer prevention, and cancer stem cell biology. He has served on Grant Review Study Sections for US National Cancer Institute (NCI) and US Department of Defense (DOD). He serves on the editorial boards of Oncology Reports, International Journal of Oncology, World Academy of Sciences Journal and International Journal of Molecular Sciences. His academic research has been funded in the past by grants from NCI and DOD (1986-2007). He has received NCI FIRST Award, DOD IDEA Award and AN Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
Research Interest
Cancer Prevention, Stem Cell Biology, Lead Compound Efficacy.